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Self-injury (self-harm)
Self injury is a common negative coping skill that tends to show in younger populations. This coping skill can manifest itself in numerous ways some of which being:
Spending an unreasonable amount of money despite being unable to afford it
Cutting (most commonly)
Hair pulling
The most common places for cutting are places that are easily covered up such as:
Look for:
Wearing Clothing inappropriate for the weather
Wearing rubber bands
Wearing lots of bracelets
Fixation on knives/ picking at skin
Scars/ random bruises
Fresh cuts, scratches, bruises or other wounds
Excessive rubbing of an area to create a burn
Wearing rubber bands, red welts
Making excuses to avoid swimming, rolling up sleeves etc.
Keeping sharp objects on hand
Wearing long sleeves or long pants, even in hot weather
Difficulties in interpersonal relationships
Persistent questions about personal identity, such as "Who am I?" "What am I doing here?"
Behavioral and emotional instability, impulsivity and unpredictability
Statements of helplessness, hopelessness or worthlessness
Self-injury Stereotypes
When someone is self-harming, it is typically assumed that Suicidal ideation immediately follows. This stereotype is incorrect on a number of levels. Self harm can be an indicator however of other mental illness such as:
antisocial personality disorder
dissociative identity disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
post traumatic stress disorder
anorexia/ bulimia nervosa
Bipolar depression
Major Depressive Disorder
Alcohol abuse
Additional, and common stereotypes include:
Being dramatic
attention seeking
Only for girls
Emo/ Goth
Long sleeves
While there is some truth to every stereotype, these stereotypes can be deeply harmful to a self-injuring individual. It is important to recognize even IF the self-injury is in an effort to receive attention, it is clear that something is lacking in that individuals life. To write the issue off as simply being dramatic and attention seeking is to invalidate the underlying emotions and promote secrecy.
Who is at risk?
Anybody can be at risk for self-injurious behavior (as discussed earlier certain mental health challenges are at an increased likelihood) However, certain populations are at higher risk. These being:
Teenage girls
Of course, teen boys can self-harm too although it is less common. The teens gender DOES NOT discredit their challenges.
WHY do people self harm
To put it simply, because for them it works for them as a coping skill. Self-harm release's chemicals in the brain that can make the pain temporarily cease and provide an outlet. The chemicals at work include:
Endorphins (Numbing)
Serotonin (calming
Dopamine (Pleasure)
Self harm offers a temporary relief and reduces negative emotions
the Internal pain distracts from physical pain, which makes it easier to cause injury to ones body intentionally. People who self-harm are also usually drawn to the scars/ mutilation OR they may also fear it and loathe themselves for their scars. Both these mentalities contribute to the addiction that is self-harm.
HOW to stop self-harming
As a parent, it is painful to watch a child self harm. While the initial desire may be to take away the razors/self-harming object, this is actually promoting secrecy. Instead try:
Expressing how hard it is for you to see your child hurting themselves
Asking them their thought process for hurting themselves
Collaborating with them to find new coping skills
Encouraging therapy
DO NOT punish a teen for self harming, this will only push your teen further away and will put a greater gap between you and your child
In order to stop self-harming, the individual has to want it for themselves. If you are self-harming and you are ready to take the first step try these techniques
Use ice instead of knives
If needed use red-dye with the ice.
Draw on your arm instead, write names of people you love
Start therapy
Make a "Reasons" list