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This website is for support & discussion only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional counseling nor a suicide hotline. To reach a national suicide hotline, please call 1-800-273-8255.

The Pledge
If you agree to this pledge, click YES I pledge (Below).
I believe that MY life and the lives of OTHERS are intrinsically valuable, and that there is ALWAYS REASON ENOUGH to STAY. I,_________, pledge to engage in Project Reasons. If ever I feel like suicide, or harming myself is my only option, I pledge to read my Reasons aloud and call each one in turn, instead of harming myself in any way. If I am unable to connect with my Reason, I pledge to call the National Suicide Hotline. (1-800-273-8255). I pledge to pass this project along to my family, friends, and loved ones so they too will always know their Reasons to stay.
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